ICDCS 2023 will be held in person, and we are looking forward to seeing you in Hong Kong!
The annual ICDCS conference is a premier international forum for researchers, developers, and users to present, discuss and exchange cutting-edge ideas and the latest findings on topics related to any aspects of distributed computing systems.
We invite you to submit your original contributions to ICDCS 2023.
- The link to the conference proceedings is https://conferences.computer.org/icdcspub (2023/07/17)
- The early bird registration deadline has been extended to June 25 (2023/06/20)
- Additional Hotel rooms with discount are available (2023/06/15, link)
- Hotel booking link with discount is available now (2023/05/22, link)
- Hotel venue is updated and booking link with discount will be available very soon (2023/05/22, link)
- Camera-ready site is ready (2023/05/17, link)
- Travel grant (2023/05/11, link)
- Registration site is open (2023/05/03, link)
Important Dates
- Abstract Registration: January 14, 2023 (23:59, UTC-5, EST)
- Submission Due: January 21, 2023 (23:59, UTC-5, EST)
- Author Notification:
April 3, 2023April 10, 2023 - Camera-ready Submission:
May 8, 2023June 7, 2023 - Conference Date: 18 July – 21 July, 2023